Saturday 5 May 2012

First primroses

These are the first primroses I've seen on  the old  railway embankment - they are lucky to have escapes the attentions of the sheep!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Old and New..

I do have an interesting view from my office sometimes!!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Dark Satanic.

Its been really cold here the last couple of days - This rather fetching Inversion Layer has been caused by the stream discharging from the local  mill..

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Its been INCREDIBly windy today - We decided to head staight into the worst part - Edinburgh.  These pics were takes from the A1 and shoe the wind flatting and whipping up the sea.  we also saw a couple of clown over lorries.  Apaprently the wind speed reached 102mph on Blackford Hill in Edinburgh!.
Synoptic situation at 0600 GMT on 3 January 2012, as a deep Atlantic depression tracks NNE across the UK.